June 26, 2019
Montpelier Foundation Announces Three Grant Awards
The Montpelier Foundation recently announced its first three grant awards since becoming an independent nonprofit. Ed Flanagan, Chair of the Board, noted the many valuable projects happening in Montpelier and named the three selected to receive grants: the Montpelier Tree Fund efforts to manage its Ash Tree project; the Montpelier Area Mountain Biking Association’s project to complete its trails at the North Branch Park; and the Montpelier ArtSynergy art installation at the transit center.
The Montpelier Foundation enhances the community’s ability to make valuable capital improvements to improve the quality of life for local residents and visitors. Created in 1994, donations and bequests support projects that provide long term public benefits in Montpelier.
Montpelier Foundation funds can be used for costs associated with the design, construction or acquisition of educational, recreational, transportation, public safety, utility, conservation and preservation, and cultural improvements having a useful life of at least 20 years, unless otherwise designated by the donor.
Tax-deductible contributions to the fund are administered and overseen by the Montpelier Foundation Board of Trustees. For more information: www.montpelierfoundation.org
To donate, gifts may be made by check and should be made to the Montpelier Foundation and sent to Montpelier Foundation, PO Box 364, Montpelier, VT 05601. To discuss other methods of giving, please contact Foundation chair Ed Flanagan.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Ed Flanagan – flanagan@pointfm.com